Monday, September 23, 2013

Tips 21-22: Beginners and Boo-tays

MEDITATION PRACTICE FOR MOMS AND DADS, Tip #21: Meditation, like parenting, is an organic--not linear--practice. You don't start as a beginner, go through some sort of formulaic progression of steps that need to be checked off, and end up enlightened or done with parenting. Funny thing is, it usually feels that way for quite some time. You do things by the book, you feel inner peace and a higher connection to a deeper source, and get a sort of spiritual illusion of "wisdom" that comes with being "experienced." You do things by the book, your child grows and appears happy and more independent, and you feel a similar sense of confidence that you are an experienced parent. But when you least expect it, both your practice and your child will need you more than they've ever needed you before, and with an earnestness that reminds us that we are all beginners. That is where real wisdom resides.

Meditation Practice for Moms and Dads, Tip #22: Last night, I came home all blissed out after meditation and chanting, get my kids into bed and tell them a fabulous story, and the little Buddha darlings started drifting off to sleep. Then, about three minutes later, Benny says: "Butt." And then Ohana says "Butt." And then Benny says "Butt FACE!" Ohana: "Double gassy butt FACE!!!" "Butt!!" "FACE butt!" "Butt on your FACE!" "BUUUUUTTTTT FAAACE WITH POOOOOOP!" "POOOOPY DOUBLE POOP BUTT FACE!!!" Noticed my reaction--my real self wanted to laugh, but the "parent" self knew I should tell them to stop and go to sleep. Conflict. Laugh? Reprimand? Both? Times like these, stop, breathe, relax, feel, allow. Then do. At this moment there was only one thing to do. Me in my most commanding, parental voice: "Benny and Ohana Smith!!!!!" Them, trying not to crack up: "Yes, mommy?" Me, after a pause: "BUTT!"

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